Our Committee

Our Chairman

Dr. Lim Yew Lyn

Dr Lyn is a medical doctor who began her community service journey since the age of 18. She has volunteered with children of all backgrounds e.g. HIV orphans in Kenya, orang asli children, handicapped children, down syndrome children etc. She absolutely adores all children and believes that they should be given the chance and opportunity to learn. She is very passionate when it comes to humanitarian efforts and hopes that she can continue to reach out to more children and communities out there. Even though she does find it challenging at times to juggle between working as a doctor and running this NGO full time, she knows deep in her heart that all these children are worth it and seeing their happy faces is the best reward she can ask for. She is also very grateful to her husband, Shawn for being there for her throughout this journey and supporting her every step of the way.

Committee Members

Vice Chairman,
Project Leader – Yang Ikhlas, Ibu
Dr. Adilah Aminuddin

Adilah is a clinician by profession, but on more interesting days, she assists refugee and local single mothers in the Yang Ikhlas, Ibu project for Selfless Together.


With a postgraduate education in Public Health, she seeks to empower women and children with the education and skills they need to improve their quality of life as refugees and later in resettlement. She hopes to break the cycle of poverty with the education they deserve.

Dr. Sim Khye Shen

Sim is a medical doctor with a passion for photography and a strong dedication to promoting kindness in his daily life.


He always consider knowledge as a powerful tool for change and actively support educational initiatives.


As a foodie he often calls himself ‘uncle Sim’. He is perfectly candid for his enthusiasm for food. Beyond the pleasure of tasting. He see food connects people across the table.

Vice Secretary
Dr. Loo Chia Ming

Loo is a medical doctor who have actively participates in NGO work for the past 10 years. She strongly believe in giving back to society, helping those in need, and making the world a better place by practicing kindness and compassion. “If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.” – Chinese proverb.

Toddy Hasan

An Indonesian residing in Malaysia for nearly two decades, holds a Mass Communication degree and works as a Marketing Specialist. He champions the belief that every individual, regardless of origin, deserves love and life’s blessings. He believes that we are all citizens of the world, deserving of love and belonging. Let’s be kind to one another.

Vice Treasurer
Lydia Marshal Ricaud

Born and raised in Penang, Lydia has been working in the education sector as a Quality Assurance Officer for 4 years. She is passionate about fairness and equality for everyone in all aspects of life. She loves travelling and exploring new places as it helps her see the world in a whole new way. She strongly believes and agrees that “until we get equality in education, we won’t have an equal society” – Sonia Sotomayor

Committee Member
Phan Ji Shawn

Originally from Kuala Lumpur and works in the finance sector of the corporate world. Shawn started volunteering with Lyn on her humanitarian activities in 2020 prior to the establishment of the NGO in 2022. He was inspired by the impactful work to provide educational opportunities to displaced individuals. He is honored to be able to contribute his support in any way possible, whether it’s through lending a helping hand, providing advise, or assisting with logistical aspects.

Committee Member
Cyprien Ricaud

Cyprien is a French engineer who has been working in Malaysia since 2019.


He likes traveling around and playing sports. He believes that education is such a great power that everyone should have equal access to it.

Committee Member
Ng Chui Lim

Chui Lim truly believes that education can improve one’s life and lifestyle. Given the kids’ condition, she hopes that the basic education we are providing them will be beneficial in their future. She hopes they can live their lives proudly, fulfill their dreams, and further contribute to growing their society.

Our Teachers

Muhd Zulfadhly

Zul has been working as an elementary school and high school teacher for the past 7 years. He is adept at using positive reinforcement teaching techniques to encourage his students’ behavior and development. He often uses his creativity and experience to assist his students. He believes in #EducationForAll.

Nur Farhana

Farhana was born in Indonesia but raised in Negeri Sembilan. She is a student at the University of Science Malaysia. She started working with Selfless Together as a teacher in 2020. She loves teaching children because she enjoys watching them achieve their ambitions. She also loves witnessing how excited they are when they attend school. To her, education should be available for everyone.

Julia Lim

Julia loves herself and her family, but what she loves best is helping people attain freedom through education. Education builds one’s mind with knowledge that cannot be stolen. At the age of 17, she received training from various institutions on teaching young children. Back in those days, finances were not to her advantage. However, she was lucky to attain a scholarship from the Penang Welfare Ministry (JKM) to receive training in Early Childhood Education from UPM.


Make a contribution

Your gifts, no matter the amount, empower children to overcome the odds and break the cycle of poverty forever.We believe in Education For All. All children have the right to receive education. We believe together as one big human race, we should be there to help and empower one another regardless of our race, religion or background. We provide a platform for the community to beform selfless, altruistic acts to communities that really deserve it.